Thursday, August 12, 2010

barriers in fundraising for the flood victims

A very shameful incident occured with me today and on the basis of what i concluded that we as a nation will never prosper and we will continue to remain in the same condition as we are in nowadays.At around 9pm i was in mall of lahore and just like a volunteer working with an organization i had a booklet of tickets and was selling out tickets to the visitors when suddenly someone from the adminstartion came to me and said that i must contact the reception and ask for permission in order to continue fundraising for the flood victims.the young girl at the reception dialled the number of mall of lahore’s manager and i asked him for permission and he was very rude to me and even scolded me and asked me to leave that place because he thought i was doing something wrong or maybe i was fake.I want to make a request to such people that if they are involved in dirty games then don’t think that everyone is the same.Mashahallah we have very honest people in pakistan but the sad part is that they are very few in numbers and unfortunately they don’t come in the limelight.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

An extension for the army chief

This is with reference to Ayesha Siddiqa’s article of July 25 titled “Command and control of war”. No one dares to write so openly about the extension of the tenure of army chief and the reasons for this important decision than the said writer.

The extension was given mainly due to political reasons as stakes of political parties, the military as well as the international community are involved. I agree with Ms Siddiqa that the war on terror is a long drawn out process and a single person’s presence – or absence – will not really affect its timeframe. How can it be that the military depends on only one individual to carry forward its agenda of fighting the Taliban?

That the PPP-led government approved the extension and that most other political parties have welcomed it just goes to prove that democracy is bowing down to the military. Clearly, America must have had considerable say in the matter because it has been widely reported in the media that Washington’s top military brass get on very well with our army chief.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 27th, 2010.

Lift the film ban

This is with regard to your coverage of the banning of the film Tere Bin Laden by the Central Board of Film Censors. The people of this country, especially the younger generation, need to have some fun and entertainment. They should have parks and playgrounds but in most instances these have been encroached upon or neglected by the government.

Also, what do we get to see and read about every day? That our elected representatives have bought fake degrees to win elections and that dozens of our countrymen and women die every day in suicide bombings. Don’t we deserve to see some good films? It’s a tragedy that the government has banned a film simply because it is scared of either America or the Taliban and al Qaeda. The ban should be lifted and the government should provide security to theatres which screen it.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 20th, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

We can all be Mandelas

This is with reference to Mahreen Khan’s article “We can all be Mandelas” (July 17). We’re bad at making comparisons. Nelson Mandela cannot be compared with our politicians. Mandela is a supporter of democratic rights who endured 27 years in prison to remove apartheid from South Africa. Our government doesn’t have a single person who can match his mettle. Instead of struggling for the people’s emancipation, the way Mandela did, our politicians are suppressing poor Pakistanis. The repercussions of the government’s corruption, bad policy decisions, and legal transgressions are experienced by the middle and lower middle class. Until socio-economic disparity is reduced, and our politicians take a leaf out of Mandela’s book to persevere for peoples’ rights, prosperity will remain illusive.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 18th, 2010.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

No alternative to peace with india

If anyone is a true Pakistani patriot they would not completely agree with the views present in Raza Rumi’s article. Enemies cannot become friends overnight. If we look at Pakistan-India relations since 1947 we see that India has had malicious intentions towards us. It is shameful that we are still extending our hand for friendship. A few days back it was reported that the US and India are pressurising the EU to stop Pakistan from entering into a trade agreement with them. This is the real face of the Indians. We don’t want friends who are constantly conspiring against us. Peace talks are just a waste of time. I’m not saying we should fight a war with India but that we should adopt a neutral stance with them.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 15th, 2010.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Constructive charity

LAHORE: This is with reference to your editorial “Organising kindness” (July13). It is true that donations and charity alleviate the burden of a comman man but we need to educate them and empower them and teach them and their children skills to earn money themselves. It is a common thing that as Ramazan approaches people start begging for money, food etc and this should be discouraged. The government, in my opinion, should immediately end all schemes like ‘sasti roti’ and the Benazir Income Support Programme for physically fit people. These schemes should be limited only to those who are physically and mentally challenged and aged people who cannot work. Young children should be admitted into schools instead of begging on the streets because several problems stem from this including drug addiction. It is the responsibility of the government to ensure quality education for the poor and if the government is busy in other activities then the youth of Pakistan can chalk out a policy and suggest it to the government. The time has come to stand on our own feet. The poor should not become dependent on charity.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 14th, 2010.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

strip of shame

LAHORE: This is with reference to your editorial “Strip of shame” (July 6). It is saddening to know that women and young girls are raped and tortured in front of scores of men who do nothing to prevent such crimes. In my opinion, such men are not Muslims because Islam instructs its followers to show respect for women. I don’t understand why men don’t raise their voices till their own mothers or sisters become victims.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 8th, 2010.

resolution against media

LAHORE: The members of the Punjab Assembly should be ashamed of themselves for adopting a resolution against the media. Their move shows disregard for the freedom of speech which is guaranteed under a democratic system. In my opinion, the PML-N has misgoverned the people of Punjab under the guise of good governance. Now it’s trying to hide the flaws of its leadership. If Punjab’s MPAs respect the freedom, they have any sense left then they should take this resolution back and say sorry to the media community of Punjab in particular and Pakistan in general.
Published in The Express Tribune, July 11th, 2010.